The MIT-Haiti Symposium, held Oct 21-22, sparked connections, possible collaborations and hopes for future action. Over 20 MIT faculty and administrators met with 18 Haitian educators and education leaders to explore areas of common interest.
Through facilitated dialogs and collective brainstorming sessions over the 2 day event, participants identified 3 areas for potential collaboration:
By bolstering its communications networks and strengthening its infrastrucutre, build a STEM educational foundation for Haitian higher education.
Disseminate MIT’s open-educational resources to Haitian partner universities via teacher training and outreach.
Create a national library of digital educational resources.

To learn more about the symposium, read co-host MIT Professor Michel DeGraff's closing comments.
Key issues and topics of the sumposium were covered in the MIT News Office article.
Visit the symposium website for videos, profiles, reflections, and more.
For Reflections of voice from the conference, view the "Voices" video.