The MIT Office of Digital Learning, through the Office of Educational Innovation and Technology, has taken a lead role developing collaborations with community colleges that includes curriculum development (in areas such as advanced manufacturing and entrepreneurship) and online learning (using edX and other MIT/OEIT developed technologies). The curriculum will also reflect MIT’s philosophies to blend online/virtual with hands-on learning.
OEIT has begun a collaboration with the Transformation Agenda, the collaboration of 15 Massachusetts community colleges led by Quinsigamond Community College, that received Round 1 TAACCCT funding. Our efforts have revolved around working with them on projects supporting advanced manufacturing education, specifically ,
- 21st Century skills of communications, teamwork and problem solving through industry-driven case studies to help prepare participants to be a well-rounded employee. These skills will help successful graduates
- Key skills, namely moving from blueprints and 2D drawings to 3D visualizations of manufactured parts.
ODL/SEI has also wored with the Commonweath of Massachusettts for the TAACCCT Round 4 proposals. The proposal under would lead to the development of a software tool that integrates proactive advising linked to labor market information (for jobs outlook) and courses. The community college application of this tool will likely focus on college completion, whereas MIT might use the same tool to better track progress toward flexible degree programs such as Course 2A or 16-ENG. This proposal will also likely focus on advanced manufacturing, non-nursing healthcare and perhaps information technologies. colleges.