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Fluvial Features quiz
Which describes the stream divides in fluvial head erosion?
Which describes the stream gradient in fluvial head erosion?
Which describes the valley cross-section profile in fluvial head erosion?
Which describes the stream course in fluvial head erosion?
Which describes the tributary stream frequency in fluvial head erosion?
Which describes the location, size, or number of lakes and swamps in fluvial head erosion?
Which describes the stream divides in fluvial valley erosion?
Which describes the stream gradient in fluvial valley erosion?
Which describes the valley cross-section profile in fluvial valley erosion?
Which describes the stream course in fluvial valley erosion?
Which describes the tributary stream frequency in fluvial valley erosion?
Which describes the location, size, or number of lakes and swamps in fluvial valley erosion?
Which describes the stream divides in fluvial plain erosion?
Which describes the stream gradient in fluvial plain erosion?
Which describes the plain cross-section profile in fluvial plain erosion?
Which describes the stream course in fluvial plain erosion?
Which describes the tributary stream frequency in fluvial plain erosion?
Which describes the location, size, or number of lakes and swamps in fluvial plain erosion?
Which of the following do natural levees form?
How far are natural levees from the stream?
What is the grain size of the material in natural levees?
Which best describes the material in natural levees?
Which best describes the material in natural levees?
Which of the following do crevasse splays form?
How far are crevasse splays from the stream?
What is the grain size of the material in crevasse splays?
Which best describes the material in crevasse splays?
Which best describes the material in crevasse splays?
Which of the following forms do meander scar deposits show in plan view?
Which best describes the surface of meander scar deposits?
What is the grain size of the material in meander scar deposits?
Which best describes the material in meander scar deposits?
Which best describes the material in meander scar deposits?
Which is characteristic of meander scar deposits?
Which of the following forms do oxbow lake deposits show in plan view?
Which best describes the surface of oxbow lake deposits?
What is the grain size of the material in oxbow lake deposits?
Which best describes the material in oxbow lake deposits?
Which best describes the material in oxbow lake deposits?
Which is characteristic of oxbow lake deposits?
Which of the following forms do point bars show in plan view?
Which best describes the surface of point bars?
Where in the channel are point bars located?
What is the grain size of the material in point bars?
Which best describes the material in point bars?
Which best describes the material in point bars?
Which is characteristic of point bars?
Which describes the growth of point bars?
Which describes the dip of the stratification of point bars?
Where in the channel are lateral bars located?
What is the grain size of the material in lateral bars?
Which best describes the material in lateral bars?
Which best describes the material in lateral bars?
Which describes the growth of lateral bars?
Which describes the dip of the stratification of lateral bars?
Where in the channel are transverse bars located?
What is the grain size of the material in transverse bars?
Which best describes the material in transverse bars?
Which best describes the material in transverse bars?
Which describes the growth of transverse bars?
Which describes the dip of the stratification of transverse bars?
Where in the channel are longitudinal bars located?
What describes the orientation of longitudinal bars with respect to the channel?
What is the grain size of the material in longitudinal bars?
Which best describes the material in longitudinal bars?
Which best describes the material in longitudinal bars?
Which describes the growth of longitudinal bars?
Which describes the dip of the stratification of longitudinal bars?
Where in the channel are chute bars located?
What is the grain size of the material in chute bars?
Which best describes the material in chute bars?
Which best describes the material in chute bars?
Which describes the growth of chute bars?
Which describes the dip of the stratification of chute bars?
Where in the channel are channel lags located?
What is the grain size of the material in channel lags?
Which best describes the material in channel lags?
Which best describes the material in channel lags?
What is the grain size of the material in backswamp deposits?
Which best describes the material in chute bars?
Which best describes the material in backswamp deposits?
What is the mode of deposition for backswamp deposits?
What is the grain size of the material in headwater deposits?
What describes the development of the floodplain in headwater depositions?
Which describes the thickness of the deposits in headwater depositions?
What describes the development of braided streams in headwater depositions?
What describes the development of natural levees in headwater depositions?
What is the grain size of the material in valley tract depositions?
What describes the development of the floodplain in valley tract depositions?
What describes the thickness of the deposits in valley tract depositions?
What describes the development of braided streams in valley tract depositions?
What describes the development of natural levees in valley tract depositions?
What is the grain size of the material in plain tract depositions?
What describes the development of the floodplain in plain tract depositions?
Which is characteristic of a floodplain in plain tract depositions?
Which describes the thickness of the deposits in plain tract depositions?
What describes the development of natural levees in plain tract depositions?
What is the mode of deposition for meander belts?
Which deposits occur in meander belts?
Which of the following do delta crevasses form?
How far are delta crevasses from the stream?
What is the grain size of the material in delta crevasses?
Which best describes the material in delta crevasses?
Which best describes the material in delta crevasses?
What describes the orientation of mouth bars with respect to the channel?
Which describes the orientation of mouth bars with respect to the coastline?
What is the mode of deposition for mouth bars?
Which best describes the material in mouth bars?
Which best describes the material in mouth bars?
What is the grains size of the material in mouth bars?
What is the grain size of the material in delta plains?
What is the mode of deposition for delta plains?
What is the grain size of the material in coastal barriers?
What is the mode of deposition for coastal barriers?
Which describes the orientation of coastal barriers with respect to the coastline?
What is the grains size of the material in alluvial fans?
Which describes the stream gradient in alluvial fans?
Which best describes the material in alluvial fans?
Which best describes the material in alluvial fans?
Where within the valley are alluvial fans located?
Which of the following do alluvial fans form?
What is the grains size of the material in alluvial cones?
Which describes the stream gradient in alluvial cones?
Which best describes the material in alluvial cones?
Which best describes the material in alluvial cones?
Where within the valley are alluvial cones located?
Which of the following do alluvial cones form?
What is the grains size of the material in bajadas?
Which describes the stream gradient in bajadas?
Which best describes the material in bajadas?
Which best describes the material in bajadas?
Where within the valley are bajadas located?
Which best describes the surface of bajadas?
Which describes the stream gradient in playas?
Where within the valley are playas located?
Which of the following do playas form?
Which best describes the material in playas?
Which best describes the material in playas?
What is the grain size of the material in playas?
What is the grain size of the material in foreset beds?
Which best describes the material in foreset beds?
Which best describes the material in foreset beds?
Which describes the dip of the stratification of foreset beds?
Which describes the depositional sequence in a prograding delta?
What best describes the relationship to the underlying bed in foreset beds?
What is the grain size of the material in bottomset beds?
Which best describes the material in bottomset beds?
Which best describes the material in bottomset beds?
Which describes the dip of the stratification of bottomset beds?
Which describes the depositional sequence in a prograding delta in bottomset beds?
What best describes the relationship to the underlying bed in bottomset beds?
What is the grain size of the material in topset beds?
Which best describes the material in topset beds?
Which best describes the material in topset beds?
Which describes the dip of the stratification of topset beds?
Which describes the depositional sequence in a prograding delta in topset beds?
What best describes the relationship to the underlying bed in topset beds?
What best describes the relationship to the underlying bed in cross beds?
What describes the depositional sequence (grain size) in aggradation?
Which describes the depositional mode in aggradation?
What describes the depositional sequence (grain size) in progradation?
Which describes the depositional mode in progradation?
What describes the depositional sequence (grain size) in lateral accretion?
Which describes the depositional mode in lateral accretion?
Which describes the orientation of stream terraces with respect to the stream valley?
How far are stream terraces from the stream?
Which describes the elevation of stream terraces with respect to the channel?
Which describes the stream gradient in waterfalls?
Which describes the growth of waterfalls?
Which describes the stream gradient in rapids?
Which describes the growth of rapids?
What describes the stream course in chute cutoffs?
How far are chute cutoffs from the original stream?
Which describes the mechanism which forms chute cutoffs?
Which describes the stream course in meanders?
Which of the following do meanders form?
Which describes the mechanism which forms meanders?
Which describes the stream course in neck cutoffs?
How far are neck cutoffs from the original stream?
Which describes the mechanism which forms neck cutoffs?
Which describes the sides of V-shaped valleys?
Which describes the bottom of V-shaped valleys??
What is the grain size of the material in marginal sand sheets?
Which describes the thickness of the deposits in marginal sand sheets?
Which describes the mechanism which forms marginal sand sheets?
Which describes the stream gradient in channel avulstions?
Which describes the channel abandonment in the area of channel avulsions??
Which describes the mechanism which forms channel avulsions?
Which describes the mechanism which forms mud diapirs?
Which describes the sides of fan head trenches?
Which describes the stream gradient in fan head trenches?
Which describes the bottom of fan head trenches??
Which describes the position of fan head trenches on the alluvial fan?
Which describes the length of time water remains in arroyos?
Which describes the position of arroyos on the alluvial fan?
Which describes the mechanism which forms arroyos?
Which describes the mechanism which forms pediments?
Which describes the length of time water remains in pediments?
What is the composition of the material in pediments?
Which describes the sides of pediments?
Which describes the water of backswamps?
How far are backswamps from the original stream?
Which best describes the surface drainage of backswamps?
Which best describes the infiltration of backswamps?
Which describes the bottom of backswamps??
Which describes the depth of the water in backswamps??
How far are oxbow lakes from the original stream?
Which best describes the surface drainage of oxbow lakes?
Which best describes the infiltration of oxbow lakes?
Which of the following do oxbow lakes form?
Which describes the depth of the water in oxbow lakes??
Which best describes the stream channels in braided streams?
Which describes the stream gradient in braided streams?
Which best describes the stream channels in yazoo type rivers?
Which describes the stream gradient in yazoo type rivers?
What describes the orientation of yazoo type rivers with respect to the channel?
Which best describes the linear extent of yazoo type rivers??
Which describes the stream channels in deltaic distributaries?
Which describes the stream gradient in deltaic distributaries?
Which describes the depth of the water in deltaic distributaries??
Which describes the water of deltaic distributaries?
Which of the following do playa lakes form?
Which describes the bottom of playa lakes??
Which describes the position of playa lakes relative to alluvial fan?
Which describes the water of playa lakes?
Which describes the length of time water remains in wadi?
Which describes the flow characteristics of wadi?
Which describes the water of wadi?
Which describes the length of time water remains in sheetfloods?
Which describes the flow characteristics of sheetfloods?
Which describes the water of sheetfloods?
Which describes the intersection of dendritic tributaries?
Which describes the orientation of dendritic tributaries?
Which describes the structural control of dendritic tributaries?
Which describes the intersection of trellis tributaries?
Which describes the orientation of trellis tributaries?
Which describes the structural control of trellis tributaries?
Which describes the intersection of radial tributaries?
Which describes the orientation of radial tributaries?
Which describes the structural control of radial tributaries?
Which describes the intersection of parallel tributaries?
Which describes the orientation of parallel tributaries?
Which describes the structural control of parallel tributaries?
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