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Glacial Features quiz

Includes: Eskers, Kame Terraces, Kames, Crevasse Deposits, Kettles, Ground Moraines, Till Deposits, Terminal Moraines, Recessional Moraines, Drumlins, Erratics, Boulder Trains, Outwash, Valley Train, Braided Stream, Filled Lakes, Varved Clay Deposits, Glacio-Marine Deposits, Cirques, Aretes, Cols, Glacial Horns, Hanging Valleys, Fjords, Truncated Spurs, Swamps, Bosses, Ice Scour Plains, Roche Moutonnees, Finger Lakes, Small Lakes, Plains With No Drainage, Plains With High Drainage, Terraces With High Drainage, Ice Laid Material, Ice Contact Material, Fluvio-Glacial Material, Glacio-Lacustrine Material

  1. Which of the following does an esker form?
  2. Which best describes the linear extent of an esker?
  3. Which of the following does an esker cross-section form?
  4. Which of the following forms does an esker show in plan view?
  5. Which description of an esker pertains to the crest/top?
  6. Which best describes the width of an esker?
  7. Which best describes the material in an esker?
  8. Which best describes the material in an esker?
  9. What is the grain size of the material in an esker?
  10. Where is a kame terrace located?
  11. Where within the valley is a kame terrace located?
  12. What is the orientation of a kame terrace with respect to valley sides or previous ice flow??
  13. Which descriptions of a kame terrace pertain to the crest/top?
  14. Which best describes the material in a kame terrace?
  15. Which best describes the material in a kame terrace?
  16. What is the grain size of the material in a kame terrace?
  17. Which of the following does a kame form?
  18. Which description of a kame terrace pertains to the crest/top?
  19. Which best describes the material in a kame?
  20. Which best describes the material in a kame?
  21. What is the grain size of the material in a kame?
  22. Which of the following does a crevasse deposit form?
  23. Which best describes the linear extent of a crevasse deposit?
  24. Which best describes the material in a crevasse deposit?
  25. Which best describes the material in a crevasse deposit?
  26. What is the grain size of the material in a crevasse deposit?
  27. Which of the following does a kettle form?
  28. Which best describes the topography of ground moraines?
  29. Which best describes the material in ground moraines?
  30. Which best describes the material in ground moraines?
  31. What is the grain size of the material in ground moraines?
  32. Which best describes the material in till depositss?
  33. Which best describes the material in till deposits?
  34. What is the grain size of the material in till deposits?
  35. Which of the following does a terminal moraine form?
  36. Which of the following forms does a terminal moraine show in plan view?
  37. Which of the following does a terminal moraine cross-section form?
  38. Which best describes the width of a terminal moraine?
  39. Which descriptions of terminal moraines pertain to the crest/top?
  40. What is the orientation of a terminal moraine with respect to valley sides or previous ice flow??
  41. Which best describes the material in terminal morainess?
  42. Which best describes the material in terminal moraines?
  43. What is the grain size of the material in terminal moraines?
  44. Which of the following does a recessional moraine form?
  45. Which best describes the width of a recessional moraine?
  46. Which descriptions of recessional moraines pertain to the crest/top?
  47. What is the orientation of a recessional moraine with respect to valley sides or previous ice flow??
  48. Which best describes the material in recessional morainess?
  49. Which best describes the material in recessional moraines?
  50. What is the grain size of the material in recessional moraines?
  51. Which of the following does a drumlin form?
  52. Which of the following forms does a drumlin show in plan view?
  53. Which of the following does the long section of a drumlin form?
  54. Which of the following does the cross section of a drumlin form?
  55. Which describes the steep side of drumlins with respect to ice flow?
  56. Which best describes the material in drumlins?
  57. Which best describes the material in drumlins?
  58. What is the grain size of the material in drumlins?
  59. What is the origin of the material for erratics?
  60. What is the grain size of erratics?
  61. Which best describes the linear extent of boulder trains?
  62. What is the origin of the material for boulder trains?
  63. What is the grain size of the material in boulder trains?
  64. What mechanism was active during deposition of an outwash?
  65. Where is outwash located?
  66. Which best describes the material in an outwash?
  67. Which best describes the material in an outwash?
  68. What is the grain size of the material in an outwash?
  69. What mechanism was active during deposition of a valley train?
  70. Where is a valley train located?
  71. Which best describes the material in a valley train?
  72. Which best describes the material in a valley train?
  73. What is the grain size of the material in a valley train?
  74. Which of these channel features are exhibited in a braided stream?
  75. Which best describes the material in a braided stream?
  76. Which best describes the material in a braided stream?
  77. What is the grain size of the material in a braided stream?
  78. Which best describes the material in a filled lake?
  79. Which best describes the material in a filled lake?
  80. What is the grain size of the material in a filled lake?
  81. Which best describes the material in a varved clay deposit?
  82. Which best describes the material in a varved clay deposit?
  83. What is the grain size of the material in a varved clay deposit?
  84. Which best describes the material in a glacio-marine deposit?
  85. Which best describes the material in a glacio-marine deposit?
  86. What is the grain size of the material in a glacio-marine deposit?
  87. Which best describes the topography of a cirque?
  88. Which of the following forms does a cirque show in plan view?
  89. Which of the following does a cirque form?
  90. How many valley heads are associated with a cirque?
  91. Which best describes the surface drainage of a cirque?
  92. Which best describes the topography of an arete?
  93. Which of the following shapes does an arete form in plan?
  94. Which of the following does an arete form?
  95. How many valley heads are associated with an arete?
  96. Which best describes the surface drainage of an arete?
  97. How many valley heads are associated with a col?
  98. Which of the following does a col form?
  99. Which best describes the surface drainage of a col?
  100. Which best describes the topography of a glacial horn?
  101. Which of the following does a glacial horn form?
  102. How many valley heads are associated with a glacial horn?
  103. Which best describes the surface drainage of a glacial horn?
  104. Which best describes the topography of a glacial horn?
  105. Has the extent of a hanging valley been shortened/truncated?
  106. Which best describes the topography of a fjord?
  107. Has the extent of a fjord been shortened/truncated?
  108. Which best describes the topography of a glacial valley?
  109. Has the extent of a glacial valley been shortened/truncated?
  110. Which of the following does a truncated spur form?
  111. Which best describes the topography of a truncated spur?
  112. Has the extent of a truncated spur been shortened/truncated?
  113. Which best describes the topography of swamps?
  114. Which of the following do swamps form?
  115. Which best describes the linear extent of swamps?
  116. Which best describes the surface drainage of swamps?
  117. Which of the following do bosses form?
  118. Which best describes the surface of bosses?
  119. Are striations present on the surface of bosses?
  120. Which best describes the topography of ice-scour plains?
  121. Which best describes the surface of ice-scour plains?
  122. Are striations present on the surface of ice-scour plains?
  123. Which best describes the extent of till cover in the area of ice-scour plains?
  124. Which of the following does a roche moutonnee form?
  125. Which of the following forms does a roche moutonnee show in plan view?
  126. Which of the following does the long section of a roche moutonnee form?
  127. Which best describes the surface of a roche moutonnee?
  128. Which describes the steep side of a roche moutonnee with respect to ice flow?
  129. Are striations present on the surface of a roche moutonnee?
  130. Which best describes the extent of till cover in the area of a roche moutonnee?
  131. Which best describes the topography of a finger lake?
  132. Which of the following does a finger lake form?
  133. Which of the following forms does a finger lake show in plan view?
  134. Which best describes the linear extent of finger lakes?
  135. Which best describes the surface drainage of a finger lake?
  136. Which best describes the development of the surface drainage system for a finger lake?
  137. Which best describes the topography of a small lake?
  138. Which of the following does a small lake form?
  139. Which of the following forms does a small lake show in plan view?
  140. Which best describes the linear extent of small lakes?
  141. Which best describes the surface drainage of a small lake?
  142. Which best describes the development of the surface drainage system for a small lake?
  143. Which best describes the surface drainage of plains with no drainage?
  144. Which best describes the development of the surface drainage system for plains with no drainage?
  145. Which best describes the infiltration of plains with no drainage?
  146. What is the grain size of the material in plains with no drainage?
  147. Which best describes the surface drainage system for high drainage plains?
  148. Which best describes the development of the surface drainage system for high drainage plains?
  149. Which best describes the infiltration of high drainage plains?
  150. What is the grain size of the material in high drainage plains?
  151. Which best describes the surface drainage of high drainage terraces?
  152. Which best describes the development of the surface drainage system for high drainage terraces?
  153. Which best describes the infiltration of high drainage terraces?
  154. What is the grain size of the material in high drainage terraces?
  155. Which best describes ice-laid material?
  156. Which best describes ice-laid material?
  157. What is the grain size of ice-laid material?
  158. Which best describes ice contact material?
  159. Which best describes ice contact material?
  160. What is the grain size of ice contact material?
  161. Which best describes fluvio-glacial material?
  162. Which best describes fluvio-glacial material?
  163. What is the grain size of fluvio-glacial material?
  164. Which best describes glacio-lacustrine material?
  165. Which best describes glacio-lacustrine material?
  166. What is the grain size of glacio-marine material?
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