Toru Iiyoshi and M.S. Vijay Kumar, co-editors. This anthology explores the potential of various trends such as free access to course materials, open source code, and collective intelligence to transform the educational landscape of the future. The book is available free online.
MIT Faculty Newsletter, Jan-Feb 2008. Article by Dean Diane Henderson describing the current paper-based system with its limitations and providing a blueprint for developing an online system.
Teaching biology students protein structure-function relationships using StarBiochem - Fall 2007
Biology was often thought of as a static discipline, with students memorizing long lists of facts. Students need dynamic new ways to learn the basics. STAR visualiation tools provide this.
In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008 (pp. 511-519). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Proceedings of MIPRO 2009, International Convention on Information and Communication Technolog, Electronics and Micrelectronics.]] (pp. 113-116). Opatija, Croatia.
Atomistic model helps students visualize nanoscale problems - Apr 2 2007
The Horizon Project, as the centerpiece of NMC's Emerging Technologies Initiative, charts the landscape of emerging technologies for teaching, learning and creative expression and produces the NMC’s annual Horizon Report. Phil Long, contributor.
Drawing on the writings and concepts presented by Jim Collins in Good to Great and the Social Sectors, OEIT's 'Hedgehog' document is a concise description of the offices' mission and strategic focus.
Justin Riley's article in HPS in the Cloud outlines how to use high performance computing to create remote clusters for use in engineering and computer science programs at MIT.