ARTEMiS combines the principles of visual communication with the tools of modern computer graphics. The visualizations enhance teaching and learning in mathematics, science, and engineering.
The MIT Core Concept Catalog (MC3) project is designed to enhance re-use of Open Educational Resources, such as OCW and other on-line educational content or activities.
Crosslinks, funded by the a grant from the Alumni Class Funds, aims to provide students themselves with tools to make connections between topics covered in different subjects at MIT.
The Extraordinary Learning video provides a window into several current exciting innovations in the undergraduate curriculum at MIT. In the video, students and professors talk about innovation and creativity in teaching and learning at MIT.
When faculty members experiment with technology enhancements, there is often a ripple effect where thoughts about technology lead to thoughts about pedagogy, which then lead back to new ideas about technology.
The Math-CI Space is an online community where instructors of communication-intensive courses in mathematics can share materials and actively discuss teaching ideas.
What physical movements should an astronaut make in micro-gravity in order to re-orient her body? With the help of visualizations designed by Violeta Ivanova, Dava Newman's students tackled this question.
Project-based learning introduces students to a discipline through the process of conceiving, designing, and implementing activities which integrate theory with practice.
The Spoken Lecture Browser project, an OEIT iCampus initiative, is a language processing application to help transcribe, annotate, structure, and summarize audio-visual materials so that users can search and explore them more easily.